Echoing MemoriesExperimental documentary / filmloop / 9’2019
A camera floats through the walls of a building that has been through 800 years of european history. 

A film as a 12-minute flow of consciousness rummaging through old and new stories, sounds and images of a key building in dutch music lore.

The camera travels through it’s walls, from its brick roots as a medieval monastery, to centuries as an orphanage and to headquarters for train workers during the industrial revolution. It was interrupted by a short stay by the Nazi's, after which the train workers union came back who consqequently abadoned it, and the local government let the building empty during the Punk and New Wave years. Punks and Squatters fought off riot police, rabid dogs and mounted riders to force their way into what came to be known as the legendary venue called Tivoli. It now functions as a restaurant, wine-bar, small stage and hotel.

“Best Experimental”
at Shortcutz Awards 2019
Echo van Tivoli, Lotte Oosterbeek,
Casper Broekaart, Jefta Varwijk
Music: Joram Kroon
Poetry: Coen Cornelis
With: Emma Evelein, Reinier Huisman, Frederica & David
Supported by
Gemeente Utrecht, Stichting Cultuurbord, KF HEIN fond, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, Fentener van Vlissingen

+31 (0) 6 51 06 91 79